Friday, February 10, 2017

Google Comments on Steroids!!

If I had a top ten list of things that I love about Gsuite, the comment feature would be in the top 5 for within a document to an individual student or peer. It also allows you to track the suggestions (traditional comments) and items tagged for follow-up (assigned to) in your Google Drive! Check out the video below for a short overview of my new workflow!
sure. I have always used the comments feature for peer-to-peer feedback (and ensuring the peers are actually giving each other quality feedback) and to give student feedback myself. The fact that the comments can be resolved, but never leave the document, Slides, etc., makes this an amazing tool for the formative assessment feedback loop. Recently, Google introduced the ability to assign tasks

Be Awesome!


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Going Google Siteseeing!

I know the new Google Sites has been out for awhile, but it has only been a few months that they have been available to all. While there are some elements not yet available on the new Sites, it is a huge improvement over the old Sites! As far as its missing elements, I have confidence they will be added soon. Google Sites a great tool for students, allowing them to begin to build a site that can act as a portfolio to showcase their work! I recorded a brief (okay, it went a bit long) video that can talk you through how to use this new tool! If you are one of my teachers and would like some support using Sites in your classroom, please contact me.

Be Awesome,